Saturday, 3 May 2014

Archetypes The Common Characters Represent

The common characters that represent the Greek tragedy mask form are the Hero, the lancer, the side kick or the care taker. The hero is usually the person who represents the Greek tragedy mask form the most.

The archetypes for each of the characters are: 
·      In a Greek tragedy play the Hero is kind of the protagonist since he is the most important character and he aims for the greater good and has big dreams of glory, but towards the middle or ending of the play his goals change as he has unintentionally committed a crime. When he commits these crimes a number of tragedies are caused, which impact him. These tragedies also impact the other characters in the play in some way or the other.

·      In a Greek tragedy play the sidekick or the lancer is basically the deuteragonist. This is because he is the second most important character, and can be the closest member to the Protagonist. This person can also be either with, or against the protagonist - thus sometimes pulling double duty.

·      In a Greek tragedy play the caretaker is basically the tritagonist. This is because the he is the third most important character in the play, and he takes no side and he tries to care of both protagonist and deuteragonist. He is basically innocent and tries to solve problems. His greatest fear is being in any way for doing something wrong.

So overall these are the archetypes the common characters represent.

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